Home » Benefits Of Battery Storage with Heatable Tesla Powerwall
Benefits Of Battery Storage with Heatable Talking about battery storage Tesla Powerwall 2 Givenergy We've got Ben from @Heatable A few years back, I was doing, well, I've been working with Heatable now for nearly three years, doing boiler reviews and they've been supplying me with boilers, 12-person with trainees and stuff like that. And Ben had been coming to my house and he'd seen that I had solar panels and I were really excited about these solar panels and Ben were like, "Well, what's this?" And so they ended up, they got into solar panels. But now they've been seeing me doing posts on battery storage. So now they're starting to do battery storage as well. So Ben, can you tell us a little bit about what you're doing? What's this new thing that you're going to be doing now? Yeah, I mean, for all clarity as well, I do everything for us all the journey to Allen because when we came originally, obviously you showed us the tech and then that's what sort of stirred the interest and then a year later we were fully immersed and now it's pretty much all my world really. It's all I spent. And you were laughing at me. I was, yeah, I was laughing at you the time. I was like, "No one wants this, it's rubbish." And then now, obviously I live and breathe it and totally get it. So we started with a solar PV and we did batteries that go along with solar and we still do that on the site now and it's our primary product. So people buy a solar panel and they buy the battery. We install that for them and we do the quote for that online. You did a video on that on your TikTok and some of your channels. So we have quite a unique quoting experience and we have a very unique panel as well. So we have something called an REA Fusion 2. It's an Australian panel. It's got a built-in microinverter with it. - So just going back to the quoting process, anybody can get a quote. They don't need to put the details in. - No. - So you can just go online, you can get a quote, you can see how much it's gonna cost and even if you've decided that you're gonna get somebody else to do your solar panels or you've had some other quotes, then you could just go onto a Heaterball website, click your details in and you could get an idea what it's gonna cost and that's a fixed price. Bit like you do with your boilers. - Same with the boilers, yeah. So Heaterball originally was a heating business and we still ask, we do thousands and thousands of replacement boilers online, five-star service. We've got 10,000 trust product reviews and we took that ethos into the solar. So it's a fixed online price. You don't need to give us your details. There's no, you know, solar business is all about putting your name and number into a website and that gets sold to 20 or 30 people. - And that's what happened when I got mine done. So I went on to, because I didn't know not about solar panels. Everybody thinks that I got my solar panels for free and I didn't, I went onto an online and I just typed it in and it didn't give me a quote or anything like that but it then sent my details off to a few different people. They actually, they were only, I think there were two people that actually quoted and they had to come to my house but you do it a different way. It's an online tool and it's a fixed price. - Yeah, it's an online tool, fixed price and we have a very standardized product range. So we specialize in a particular type of product. And that's exactly what we've done again for battery only. So what we were finding was there was a lot of clients coming through who weren't ready to have solar yet. Maybe they were, their roof wasn't in the best condition or they just didn't have the budget at that moment in time for solar. And we started doing some testing with various different batteries. Obviously we've brought this along today. One of them being Tesla. And this is a pretty new upcoming market. Again, you've been doing it for a long time. I've seen lots of content and essentially it's playing the energy market. What you do with this technology is you install this product in your home. This is an AC coupled battery. We'll go into that in a bit, what that means. But you install it, you get yourself on a smart tariff that offers cheap off-peak charging. You fill this up, that runs your house throughout the day. And if you've got any spare capacity left, you can either choose to retain that in your battery or you can dump it and sell it to the grid. And you can get paid sort of sometimes five, six, seven times the amount that you've paid for the energy by selling it back to the grid. So very, very popular product. What people like about battery only as well is if you're gonna move house, can just take it with you. So they're not massively expensive to reinstall. It's an asset that has a value. And it's a bit of a gateway product into renewables. What we're finding, lots of people are doing battery only systems.

Benefits Of Battery Storage with Heatable Talking about battery storage Tesla Powerwall 2 Givenergy
We’ve got Ben from @Heatable A few years back, I was doing, well, I’ve been working with Heatable now for nearly three years, doing boiler reviews and they’ve been supplying me with boilers, 12-person with trainees and stuff like that. And Ben had been coming to my house and he’d seen that I had solar panels and I were really excited about these solar panels and Ben were like, “Well, what’s this?” And so they ended up, they got into solar panels. But now they’ve been seeing me doing posts on battery storage.

So now they’re starting to do battery storage as well. So Ben, can you tell us a little bit about what you’re doing? What’s this new thing that you’re going to be doing now? Yeah, I mean, for all clarity as well, I do everything for us all the journey to Allen because when we came originally, obviously you showed us the tech and then that’s what sort of stirred the interest and then a year later we were fully immersed and now it’s pretty much all my world really. It’s all I spent. And you were laughing at me. I was, yeah, I was laughing at you the time. I was like, “No one wants this, it’s rubbish.” And then now, obviously I live and breathe it and totally get it. So we started with a solar PV and we did batteries that go along with solar and we still do that on the site now and it’s our primary product. So people buy a solar panel and they buy the battery. We install that for them and we do the quote for that online. You did a video on that on your TikTok and some of your channels. So we have quite a unique quoting experience and we have a very unique panel as well. So we have something called an REA Fusion 2. It’s an Australian panel. It’s got a built-in microinverter with it. – So just going back to the quoting process, anybody can get a quote. They don’t need to put the details in. – No. – So you can just go online, you can get a quote, you can see how much it’s gonna cost and even if you’ve decided that you’re gonna get somebody else to do your solar panels or you’ve had some other quotes, then you could just go onto a Heaterball website, click your details in and you could get an idea what it’s gonna cost and that’s a fixed price. Bit like you do with your boilers. – Same with the boilers, yeah. So Heaterball originally was a heating business and we still ask, we do thousands and thousands of replacement boilers online, five-star service. We’ve got 10,000 trust product reviews and we took that ethos into the solar. So it’s a fixed online price. You don’t need to give us your details. There’s no, you know, solar business is all about putting your name and number into a website and that gets sold to 20 or 30 people. – And that’s what happened when I got mine done. So I went on to, because I didn’t know not about solar panels. Everybody thinks that I got my solar panels for free and I didn’t, I went onto an online and I just typed it in and it didn’t give me a quote or anything like that but it then sent my details off to a few different people. They actually, they were only, I think there were two people that actually quoted and they had to come to my house but you do it a different way. It’s an online tool and it’s a fixed price. – Yeah, it’s an online tool, fixed price and we have a very standardized product range. So we specialize in a particular type of product.

And that’s exactly what we’ve done again for battery only. So what we were finding was there was a lot of clients coming through who weren’t ready to have solar yet. Maybe they were, their roof wasn’t in the best condition or they just didn’t have the budget at that moment in time for solar. And we started doing some testing with various different batteries. Obviously we’ve brought this along today. One of them being Tesla.

And this is a pretty new upcoming market. Again, you’ve been doing it for a long time. I’ve seen lots of content and essentially it’s playing the energy market. What you do with this technology is you install this product in your home. This is an AC coupled battery. We’ll go into that in a bit, what that means. But you install it, you get yourself on a smart tariff that offers cheap off-peak charging. You fill this up, that runs your house throughout the day. And if you’ve got any spare capacity left,

you can either choose to retain that in your battery or you can dump it and sell it to the grid. And you can get paid sort of sometimes five, six, seven times the amount that you’ve paid for the energy by selling it back to the grid.

So very, very popular product. What people like about battery only as well is if you’re gonna move house, can just take it with you. So they’re not massively expensive to reinstall.

It’s an asset that has a value.
And it’s a bit of a gateway product into renewables. What we’re finding, lots of people are doing battery only systems.

Allen Hart

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