Home » Milwaukee copper pipe cutter 15mm 22mm 28mm long term review
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Milwaukee right guys so today we have our Milwaukee copper pipe cutter electric pipe cutter so this is 12 volt so you can use this with all your other 12 volt Milwaukee stuff so i have had this for a while now and i said i would do a review of it so i have used a couple of these as i have a bad hand and i wanted something i could use to make it a bit easier , first of all i am going to give you an honest review and what i think of it , so first of all how they work is press the button and it spins and press it back that way and it will go to the start then we can cut again for 15mm you can put it on like that you have to be very careful how you get it in on 15mm and then you can cut it personally for 15mm I don’t think its great however when you get to 22mm and you cut with 22 its quite good but when you get to 28 mm pipe its really good amazing , really good for stripping out old cylinder cuboards etc 22mm its ok 15mm its not great , so there you go your Milwaukee pipe cutters hope this helped

Allen Hart

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