don’t understand the system that we’ve got the whole where downstairs. And then this is the lounge. This is, these Catholics have been inherited, but we’re not going to be staying once we’ve done all this. Have you had a look at the walls and stuff? They’re all a mess. A minute. We’ve got a timber floor, timber floor. I’ve just got Deb here from beneath. Hates is just doing some drawing is measuring a lot from it and it’s going to get me, um, get outsized correctly for me. We’ve got the kitchen floor in here, we’ve got laminate flaw in here, all this laminate floors on the come up. And then in here at the moment we’ve got fridge, freezer, and I’m going to put you in underfloor heating in here. I’m going to connect it on. So the Beyeler, which is behind the, this is the system I’ve got at the moment.
I’ve got combi boiler, combi boiler and it’s on the s plan at the moment. And this wound zone controls downstairs, our moon zone controls upstairs. So what we’ll do is we will call out the downstairs circuit and we’ll make all the downstairs into on the floor heating and we’ll put manifold somewhere. Maybe on this wall here might have to be on this side, we’ll have to just say it depends on our still wants to put the fridge back in here afterwards. So have just put in a scale a drawing together for his hair. It would be best if possible to use architects drawings. But what will happen with Australian is once this has been done, that’ll get sent off to the office to, to beneath heats and they will produce some plans and then that will tell us exactly what we need for this system to show you type of floor we’ve got.
So we’ve got flower bulbs and then underneath the floorboards with, we’ve got a little bit of a void. So what we’ll do, we’ll put some timbers on here and then we’ll put some insulation under and then we will put spread of plates and then we’ll [inaudible] I’ll see pee on the floor heating pipes as well. So the system that we are going to use is, um, they have just, they’re just measuring up and putting out measurements in the system. We’re gonna use this, this one. So it’s the player. The Platte system does lots of different types of systems for different situations. But as I say on this particular job, when he’s, the player system has done all the drawing for us now that’s going to be forwarded on to the beneath heat office beneath. He will then do a detailed plum detailed drawing. And um, what I’ll do is I’ll just knit politic Ganish cause I actually got one, um, from a previous installation. I’ll just show you that once it’s been sent off to the office that will produce a drawing like this, tell us all his Flores as temperatures. It tells us all as sizes of, as loops or centres or needs to do
so. Some very detailed, very detailed drawing. They also send a pack manifold pack, which tells you different types of systems.
why are we etc. And how to guide.
So this is the how to guide with absolutely [inaudible] have a few different guides really does. Um, there’s a technical one as well, does a technical products guide and that tells you all sorts of different flights, structures and measurements and stuff like that. And then there’s an installation guide as well, which can do that, not that shows you everything from how to cut the pipe and then all different stuff. How high to put your money fold. You should really go to be honest. That, but what I’ll do is as, as we do in this series of videos, I’ll, I’ll go through, I’ll go through the different, different parts of it. So please, please, if you could add some comments below. Um, as I said, well, I’ll try and do is I’ll try not as much. I’ll answer as many of the questions as account thanks for watching.